AdvancedLive Setup

What would you like to do today?

Build a List Only site

1. Create a new Site in AdvancedLive

Use the Site Builder to design a site with Buildings and Floors.

2. Upload a fire system configuration

Upload a fire system configuration file to a site, in order to import the Panels, Zones and Devices.

3. Associate zones and devices to floors

Assign zones and their devices to floors.

Edit a site

Edit site, buildings and floors

Edit a site and manage buildings and floors.

Manage Maps

Draw and Manage a site map

Use the site map drawing tools to create or edit a site map.

Manage a Site Map (Obsolete - Form based)

Manage the site map for a site via a form.

Build a site map (Obsolete)

Use the External Map builder to cteate create a Site Map for a site.

Build a floor plan (Form based)

Manage the floor plan via the Floor Plan form.

Build a floor map (legacy)

Use the Internal Map builder to create a map for a floor plan.

Build a floor map (Columbo Edition)

The internal floor mapping tool, specially designed the shrewd and exceptionally observant homicide detective who often disguises his aptitude with his inelegant, shambling manner.

Upload a file to CDN

Upload a file to the Content Delivery Network (CDN) to be used within the site.

Subscription management

Start a subscription

Start the subscription at a site for the first time.

Renew a subscription

Renew the subscription at a site for the first time.

End a subscription

End the subscription at a site, when the subscription has not been renewed.